Saturday, July 18, 2020

How to create Elsevier account | register and login Elsevier

Elsevier image


Many new and young researchers find it difficult to create an Elsevier account. They know about the online publishing company but they don’t have access to the online submission process. In this article, we are going to take you through the process of how to create Elsevier account, how to register and login to your Elsevier account.

But before we start the process of creating Elsevier account, let us give you a brief detail about this big online publishing corporation called Elsevier.


Elsevier is an online analytics and publishing company that specializes in scientific, technical and medical content. The company is owned by Dutch and have been in existence as part of RELX group known as Reed Elsevier since 2015.

This publishing company helps researchers, professionals and their colleagues make new discoveries, improve on both their knowledge and already existing knowledge, all for the benefit of humanity around the world.

In this online publishing company, you can get all the information that you need whether it is business information, education information, health information among others.


The main aim of this Elsevier publishing and analytical firm is to expand the knowledge of both researchers and professionals, help them to get all the information and data that they need to secure adequate funding for their research so that mankind can always benefit from this information.

They also help governments and universities to assess and develop their research strategies.


Elsevier is always publishing over 400,000 articles annually in more than 2,000 journals and with more than 1 billion people downloading the journal every year.   


In the Elsevier data base, some journals are indexed under Thomson Reuther’s (impact factor) ranking, while some are indexed in Scopus. This two categories of journal papers helps researchers to categorize the sources of their information based on clarivate analysis.


However, researches have also envisaged that journal papers indexed under Thomson Reuther in Elsevier journals carry more in-depth knowledge when compared to other journals of their class. This is due to rigorous peer review process of the Elsevier journal paper.


Some researchers always have the problem of how to login to this Elsevier platform in order to have access for online submission. If you fall into this category, don’t panic because we are here to give you a step by step guide on how to create Elsevier account so that you can easily login to the online submission system.


How to create Elsevier account with PC

Many people are always asking how they can create an Elsevier account. To create Elsevier account is not a rigorous process. Simply follow the following steps and you are good to go.

1. Login to the Elsevier website at

2. Click on the “portrait symbol” on the right hand side of the website page.

A new page will open with the Elsevier account login information.

On the left hand side is “New customer? Create an account”. While on the right hand side is the “ account login” but the information there is for those people that already have an existing Elsevier account where they are required to enter their email and password correctly, then login to their portals.

For the new customers,

3. Click on “First name” and write your first name.

4. Then click on “Last name” and write your surname.

You are required to fill in your names, both the first and last name properly for easy identification.

5. Click on “E-mail” and fill in your correct email address. You are also required to fill in your email address correctly so that any new mail or information concerning the platform can be made available to you at any time.

6. Click on “Password”. You are also required to type in your password. Strong passwords are always better so that people cannot have access to your Elsevier account details.

7. Then a recaptcha will appear and you will have to click on “I’m not a robot”.

8. You can then click on the “I have read and understood the registered user agreement and agree to be bound by all of its terms”.

9. When you are done, click on “create account”.

An Elsevier account would be automatically created for you. It’s just as easy as that.


How to create Elsevier account with Android smartphone

create Elsevier account image

This is almost the same process with the PC. Below is the steps to follow accordingly.

1. Login to the Elsevier website at

2. On the right hand side of the webpage, click on the "three horizontal lines".

A new page will open with the Elsevier account login information.

3. Click on “New customer? Create an account”.

4. Click on “First name” and write your first name.

5. Then click on “Last name” and write your surname.

You are required to fill in your names, both the first and last name very well so that you be easily identified with it.

6. Click on “E-mail” and fill in your correct email address.

7. Click on “Password”. You are also required to type in your password. Strong passwords are always the combination of letters and numbers.

8. Then a recaptcha will appear and you will have to click on “I’m not a robot”.

9. You can then click on the “I have read and understood the registered user agreement and agree to be bound by all of its terms”.

10. When you are done, click on “create account”.

An Elsevier account would be automatically created for you as simple as that.

How to login to your Elsevier account with PC


Now that you have already created your Elsevier account. You can login to your account by going through the following steps.


1. Login to the Elsevier website at

2. Click on the “portrait symbol” on the right hand side of the website page.

A new page will open with the Elsevier account login information.

On the right hand side of the page is the “ account login”

3. Click on “E-mail” and type in your e-mail address. The e-mail address needed here is the one that you typed in while creating your Elsevier account.

4. Click on “Password” and type in the same password that you used while still creating your Elsevier account.

Note: There is an option for you to click just in case that you forgot your password

5. Then click on “Log In”. Your Elsevier platform will be opened automatically for you.


How to login to your Elsevier account with Android smartphone

login Elsevier image

 This is also the same way that you log in to your Elsevier account with your PC. Follow the guide below.

1. Login to the Elsevier website at

2. Click on the “three horizontal lines” on the right hand side of the website page.

A new page will open with the Elsevier account login information.

3. Click on the “ account login".

3. Click on “E-mail” and type in your e-mail address. The e-mail address needed here is the one that you typed in while creating your Elsevier account.

4. Click on “Password” and type in the same password that you used while still creating your Elsevier account.

Note: There is an option for you to click just in case that you forgot your password.

5. Then click on “Log In”. Your Elsevier platform will be opened for you automatically.


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